The unexpected King
Jesus announces the Kingdom manifesto and that he is the Kingdom bringer. But although he is the King that Israel has been waiting for, he is not the one they are expecting. We see again that the kingdom is both counter cultural and so often counter intuitive for us all.
10th Sep 2023 | Phil Varley
Receiving the King
Phil opens our series from Luke looking at the calling of John the Baptist, and the challenge to receive Jesus as the King.
3rd Sep 2023 | Phil Varley
Where you look counts
Phil speaks out of Psalm 121 and the importance of looking in the right places.
30th Jul 2023 | Phil Varley
Expect the unexpected
Vahé speaks on the parable of the Good Samaritan and how through the story Jesus teaches us about his love which is costly and unexpected.
23rd Jul 2023 | Vahe Jebejian
What does significance look like?
Phil speaks from John 15, and Jesus' promise of fruitfulness in and through our lives.
16th Jul 2023 | Phil Varley
Sowing and reaping
In the final message of the series, Phil speaks on the principle of sowing and reaping in the Christian life.
2nd Jul 2023 | Galatians | Phil Varley
Walking with the Spirit
Phil spoke about how to ‘walk with the Spirit’ and how it is for ‘everyone and involves everything’
11th Jun| GALATIANS | Phil Varley
The fruit of the Spirit
Phil spoke about how walking with the Spirit gives a good 'fruit' in our lives, 'fruit' that the law and following religious rules cannot produce. He also asks the question therefore, how do we walk with the Spirit?
4th Jun| GALATIANS | Phil Varley
Walk by the Spirit
Henk spoke about the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and how the Spirit leads into a life of following Jesus.
28th May | GALATIANS | Henk Kersten
Children of the promise
Phil spoke out of Galatians 4 and Paul's argument that the gentile believers can take great confidence, as they are children of promise not slavery, and as such, they must not put themselves under the law.
14th May 2023 | GALATIANS | Phil Varley
Liberated Slave or Adopted Heir
As we continue in our Galatians series, Phil preaches from Galatians 3 and asks the question, does the Christian have to follow religious rules as they live out their faith?
7th May 2023 | GALATIANS | Phil Varley
Licence, Legalism or Liberty
As we continue in our Galatians series, Phil preaches from Galatians 3 and asks the question, does the Christian have to follow religious rules as they live out their faith?
23rd April 2023 | GALATIANS | Phil Varley
Living in the grace of Christ
As we continue in our Galatians series, Vahé explores Paul’s deep concern for the Galatians and what the implications are of turning away from the gospel.
2nd April 2023 | GALATIANS | Vahé Jebejian
What kind of church?
Phil looks at how we want to be a church which loves the word of God, loves the presence of God, loves people, embraces diversity and holds onto hope.
19th Feb 2023 | DNA | Phil Varley
Why church matters?
Phil talked about what it means for the church to be a people, a body, a temple and an embassy of the kingdom.
12th Feb 2023 | DNA | Phil Varley
Community is God’s design
Community is the one indispensable condition for human flourishing | 5th Feb | Sarah Varley
Jesus watched people give - why?
Jesus watched people give - why? | 29th Jan | Phil Varley
Starting well - Look up!
“My eyes are ever toward the Lord” Psalms 25:15 | 8th Jan | Vahe Jebejian