Safe Environment (Preventie en Integriteit)
Safe Environment Policy (Preventie en Integriteitsbeleid: Gedragscode en Omgangsregels)
Recruitment of volunteers (Aannamebeleid)
IVPs (Interne Vertrouwenspersonen)
The Interne Vertrouwenspersonen (IVPs) develop and generate initiatives, in consultation with the Board of Redeemer, aimed at preventing the perpetration or experience of sexual abuse within the church. In this they use the Stappenplan Veilig Jeugdwerk. The IVPs are the first point of contact in the event of allegations of sexual abuse:
by those in the church who have, or have had, an official role
and during the exercise of this role have been guilty, or are becoming guilty of such.
In accordance with best practice Redeemer has two IVPs, appointed by the Board of Redeemer . Currently they are: Josha Moerman ( and Riemer te Velde (