Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Luke 15, a trilogy

In this sermon, Vahé explains how Jesus, through these parables, is displaying brilliantly the extravagant love of the Father, fully displayed in Jesus and ultimately on the cross. Vahé dives into the parable of the lost sons to unpack the relationships of both sons with their father and explains how we can relate to our Father as sons and daughters.

28th Jul 2024 | Vahé Jebejian

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Jesus blesses the children

Vahé explains who children represent in Mark chapters 8 through 10. And what Jesus means when he says that we have to receive the kingdom of God like a little child.

23rd June 2024 | Vahe Jebejian

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus

Vahé shares how Jesus’ message to Nicodemus completely shakes his world. He goes on to describe the new life that Jesus offers and how it is radically different and much much better from what our culture has to offer.

19th May 2024 | Vahe Jebejian

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem

In this message, Vahé explains how Jesus announces himself as both the Lamb of God coming to take away the sin of the world and our King. He explains why we need a King, why the gospel of King Jesus is the best news ever and how can we live in response to his kingship.

10th Mar 2024 | Vahe Jebejian

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Solitude and silence

In this message, Vahé explains the role of discipline in spiritual formation. He encourages to adopt the practice of solitude and silence as a path to greater freedom and deeper communion with God.

18th Feb 2024 | Vahe Jebejian

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Joy because Immanuel, God with us and us with God

In this message, Roos and Vahé explore how joy is available to all who put their trust in Jesus. They further explore how joy can be lived out practically and lastly how joy is possible in the midst of sorrow and pain.

17th Dec 2023 | Roos & Vahe Jebejian

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Discipleship: anything better?

In this message, Vahé explores what discipleship entails and how there is nothing better for us to do in this moment than to live in the Kingdom.

22nd Oct 2023 | Vahé Jebejian

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Learning from Jesus

In this message, Vahé looks at Jesus’ invitation for us to become like Him. In collaboration with the Spirit, Jesus invites us to learn from Him and imitate Him.

1st Oct 2023 | Vahé Jebejian

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Expect the unexpected

Vahé speaks on the parable of the Good Samaritan and how through the story Jesus teaches us about his love which is costly and unexpected.

23rd Jul 2023 | Vahe Jebejian

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Sermon Csilla Fabian Sermon Csilla Fabian

Living in the grace of Christ

As we continue in our Galatians series, Vahé explores Paul’s deep concern for the Galatians and what the implications are of turning away from the gospel.
2nd April 2023 | GALATIANS | Vahé Jebejian

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