Walk in love, light and wisdom
Vahé looks at Ephesians 5:1-20 and unpacks Paul’s encouragement to respond to God’s call on our lives by walking in His love, His light and His wisdom. This walk is only possible through His Spirit who fills us and empowers us.
23rd Feb 2025 | Vahé Jebejian
Live a life worthy; Works of service
In this message, Sarah looks at the issue of gifting, and how God has given gifts to each one of us to use within the church family. Here we see this amazing picture of both a unified body, but one which also exhibits wonderful diversity and difference in gifting.
9th Feb 2025 | Sarah Varley
Make every effort
Paul writes to the church in Ephesus, ‘make every effort’ to keep the unity of the Spirit. In this message we talk about unity; what it is, why it’s so important, and how all of us have a part of play in looking after it.
2nd Feb 2025 | Phil Varley
The church and the Glory of God
Vahé preaches out of Ephesians 3:20-21 and unpacks Paul’s calling for the church to reflect the glory of God.
1st Dec 2024 | Vahé Jebejian
In this message we explore God’s plan to create ‘one new humanity’ (the Church) who will display something of his wisdom, power and grace.
We ask the question, what is our role in this and how can we play our part in building together across cultures, generations and people groups?
10th Nov 2024 | Phil Varley
In Ephesians 2:11-22, Paul urges the Ephesian believers to “remember” both where they once were, and where they now are. They were excluded but now they have been radically included. In this message we explore how fully accepting these truths can impact our lives and our church, creating confidence, humility, compassion and gratitude.
3rd Nov 2024 | Phil Varley
From Power to Freedom to Good Works
Vahé looks at Ephesians 2:1-10, particularly zooming in on verse 10. He explains the structure of the paragraph and how God’s power in us is greater than any other power, freeing us from sin and empowering us to walk in good works. Vahé explains how God has prepared these good works for us before the foundation of the world and how our life is bursting with meaning and purpose.
27th Oct 2024 | Vahé Jebejian
Back to the Future
In this message we look at Paul’s desire for believers to understand just how bad things were without God, and how good things are and will be with him. We consider Paul’s encouragement to live out our lives in light not simply of what God has done, but in view of what he promises to do going forward. We need to go ‘back to the future’ so we can see just how good he promises to be.
20h Oct 2024 | Phil Varley
That we would know him
In this message Sarah looks at Paul’s prayer for the Church. In particular we consider how Paul prays that we would know Christ more and that the Holy Spirit would reveal to them their calling, their inheritance and the power available to them.
13th Oct 2024 | Sarah Varley
The Guaranteed Inheritance
In this message we explore being assured what our inheritance in Christ is, and how it changes our priorities and perspective. Without such confidence we easily drift into lifestyles indistinguishable from the world.
6th Oct 2024 | Mick Taylor